PLC Session 12

This Session discuss about Functional Programming Languages. As usual it was brought by our friend’s group and divided into some topics

  • Introduction
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages
  • The First Functional Programming Language: LISP
  • An Introduction to Scheme
  • Common LISP
  • A Comparison of Functional and Imperative Languages

Without further ado lets talk about the first topic which is introduction.The functional programming paradigm, which is based on mathematical functions, is the design basis of the most important non-imperative styles of languages. This style of programming is supported by functional programming languages. One of the fundamental characteristics of programs written in imperative languages is that they have state, which changes throughout the execution process. This state is represented by the program’s variables. Next topic is about mathematical functions. A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the range set. A function definition specifies the domain and range sets, either explicitly or implicitly, along with the mapping. The mapping is described by an expression or, in some cases, by a table. One of the fundamental characteristics of mathematical functions is that the evaluation order of their mapping expressions is controlled by recursion and conditional expressions, rather than by the sequencing and iterative repetition that are common to the imperative programming languages.Another important characteristic of mathematical functions is that because they have no side effects and cannot depend on any external values, they always map a particular element of the domain to the same element of the range. Function definitions are often written as a function name, followed by a list of parameters in parentheses, followed by the mapping expression. For example,

cube(x) K x * x * x,

where x is a real number. In this definition, the domain and range sets are the real numbers. The symbol K is used to mean “is defined as.” The parameter x can represent any member of the domain set, but it is fixed to represent one specific element during evaluation of the function expression. This is one way the parameters of mathematical functions differ from the variables in imperative languages. Let’s move to Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages. In this topic we learned that the objective of the design of a functional programming language is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible. This results in an approach to problem solving that is fundamentally different from approaches used with imperative languages. In an imperative language, an expression is evaluated and the result is stored in a memory location, which is represented as a variable in a program. This is the purpose of assignment statements. Next, there is  The First Functional Programming Language: LISP. There were only two categories of data objects in the original LISP: atoms and lists. List elements are pairs, where the first part is the data of the element, which is a pointer to either an atom or a nested list. The second part of a pair can be a pointer to an atom, a pointer to another element, or the empty list. Elements are linked together in lists with the second parts. Atoms and lists are not types in the sense that imperative languages have types. In fact, the original LISP was a typeless language. Atoms are either symbols, in the form of identifiers, or numeric literals. LISP originally used lists as its data structure because they were thought to be an essential part of list processing. Next topic is an introduction to scheme. Scheme is characterized by its small size, its exclusive use of static scoping, and its treatment of functions as first-class entities. As first-class entities, Scheme functions can be the values of expressions, elements of lists, passed as parameters, and returned from functions. A Scheme program is a collection of function definitions. Consequently, knowing how to define these functions is a prerequisite to writing the simplest program. In Scheme, a nameless function actually includes the word LAMBDA, and is called a lambda expression. For example,
(LAMBDA (x) (* x x))
is a nameless function that returns the square of its given numeric parameter. A predicate function is one that returns a Boolean value (some representation of either true or false). Scheme uses three different constructs for control flow: one similar to the selection construct of the imperative languages and two based on the evaluation control used in mathematical functions. Next we learned about common LISP,Common LISP (Steele, 1990) was created in an effort to combine the features of several early 1980s dialects of LISP, including Scheme, into a single language. Being something of a union of languages, it is quite large and complex, similar in these regards to C++ and C#. Its basis, however, is the original LISP, so its syntax, primitive functions, and fundamental nature come from that language. In a sense, Scheme and Common LISP are opposites. Scheme is far smaller and semantically simpler, in part because of its exclusive use of static scoping, but also because it was designed to be used for teaching programming, whereas Common LISP was meant to be a commercial language. Common LISP has succeeded in being a widely used language for AI applications, among other areas. Scheme, on the other hand, is more frequently used in college courses on functional programming. It is also more likely to be studied as a functional language because of its relatively small size. And the last we talked about  A Comparison of Functional and Imperative Languages Functional languages can have a very simple syntactic structure. The list structure of LISP, which is used for both code and data, clearly illustrates this. The syntax of the imperative languages is much more complex. This makes them more difficult to learn and to use. The semantics of functional languages is also simpler than that of the imperative languages.

Execution efficiency is another basis for comparison. When functional programs are interpreted, they are of course much slower than their compiled imperative counterparts. However, there are now compilers for most functional languages, so that execution speed disparities between functional languages and compiled imperative languages are no longer so great. One might be tempted to say that because functional programs are significantly smaller than equivalent imperative programs, they should execute much faster than the imperative programs. Another source of the difference in execution efficiency between functional and imperative programs is the fact that imperative languages were designed to run efficiently on von Neumann architecture computers, while the design of functional languages is based on mathematical functions. This gives the imperative languages a large advantage. Functional languages have a potential advantage in readability. In many imperative programs, the details of dealing with variables obscure the logic of the program.

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